FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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The emergency service has always ensured that response and rescue personnel are trained and certified to appropriate levels based on “accepted standards,” such as the NFPA standards for firefighters and fire officers.  A great deal of emphasis is placed on maintaining the condition of the apparatus and equipment used by these personnel, but what about the people who maintain and repair the vehicles and equipment?  What level of training have they received to keep a sophisticated piece of machinery in proper operating order?  Unfortunately, many emergency vehicle technicians are often neglected in emergency response agencies, and in many cases they are part of the cadre of technicians who work on many different types of vehicles other than emergency vehicles.  The emergency vehicle technicians’ need for training, education, and recognition are the same as it is for emergency response and rescue personnel.  However, these needs are often unfulfilled.   The EVT Certification Commission, Inc. was created to help meet those needs.



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The Emergency Vehicle Technician Certification Commission, Inc. (EVT) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to improving the quality of emergency vehicle service and repair throughout the United States and Canada.  EVT is governed by a Board of Directors that represents emergency response agencies, emergency vehicle maintenance service associations, and the educational community.

EVT began as The Fire Apparatus Mechanics Certification Program, sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).  In 1988, the IAFC introduced this certification program in an effort to elevate the standards of emergency vehicle maintenance and the personnel who perform the work.  In addition, the IAFC sought to provide technicians recognition for the education, training, and experience they have in the field of service and repair of emergency vehicles.  While the IAFC no longer directly oversees the EVT Certification Program, the IAFC continues to support the continued development and operation of the EVT Certification Program.

 The primary function of EVT is to test and certify emergency vehicle technicians.  EVT also encourages the development of effective training programs which address the training and educational needs of the emergency vehicle technician.

All testing and certification is on a voluntary basis.



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The benefits of being certified are personal and professional.  Being certified as an Emergency Vehicle Technician shows departments, governing boards and apparatus service center customers that the technician has proven himself knowledgeable in diagnosing and repairing emergency vehicle mechanical problems. 

  • Being certified can potentially mean better pay, increased job opportunity and improved status with the technician’s employer.

  • Certification can increase respect, recognition and credibility in the industry and profession.

  • Technicians will have a nationally recognized certification that may allow both  lateral as well as upward movement in the fire apparatus and/or ambulance maintenance field.

  • The servicing of emergency fire apparatus and ambulances by certified technicians will provide more reliable equipment, thus enhancing the  safety of the public and emergency personnel.

  • An emergency response agency or vehicle service center employing certified EVT personnel  will benefit by having knowledgeable technicians  who are trained to work on emergency vehicles.  This will influence the organization’s reputation and customer assurance that quality work will be performed.



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Anyone may register to take the examination. There are no prerequisites to register. The examinations have been constructed to identify those who possess the knowledge and skills needed to perform their job.  The EVT Certification Program is structured for individuals to utilize independent study.  



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EVT exams are offered twice a year at sites across the country.  In addition, many mechanics’ seminars, workshops and schools which offer training in various fields of maintenance have made testing sites available during their activities. 

Click here New! Register online
Test Dates and Sites

for a list of test sites or call 847-426-4075 for dates and locations.



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Each regular EVT exam is made up of between 50 and 100 multiple‑choice questions and each re-certification exam consists of between 25 and 50 multiple-choice questions.  The questions are written by a panel of technical experts from the emergency apparatus and ambulance industry, certified emergency vehicle technicians, component systems experts and vocational educators.

Reference material lists and study objectives, on which the examinations are based, can be found here.  These objectives should be used as a basis for preparing to take the EVT examinations.   Each individual is encouraged to obtain the reference materials listed and review the objectives to insure that he or she is ready to take an EVT exam.



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The EVT Certification Program offers two options for emergency vehicle technicians to become certified.

Option 1:

Technicians may choose to take only EVT exams and become certified in the individual test areas.  The technician will receive an EVT Test Certificate stating the area(s) in which he/she is certified.

Option 2:

Technicians may choose to obtain the highest EVT Certification by taking a combination of the EVT exams and the ASE (National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence) exams, or the appropriate Canadian Provincial License.  These exams are used to identify the diagnostic and repair knowledge of vehicle maintenance and the specific levels of Emergency Vehicle Technician Certification.  Level Certification will be granted to the technician who successfully completes these requirements.  Technicians have the option of obtaining Level I, II, or Master EVT Technician in the Fire Apparatus, Ambulance Track, ARFF Vehicle Track and Law Enforcement Vehicle Track.  See chart on Page 6 for specific requirements.



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Either register online, or complete an Examination Application Form, include the exam fees and mail or fax to the EVT Certification Commission. The registration form must be received at the EVT office at least 21 days prior to the scheduled exam date.  There will be No “Walk-In” registration. Confirmation of exam registration will be emailed or mailed to the technician within a week after it is received by the EVT office.

Click here New! Register online
Test Dates and Sites

Number of tests allowed.   Four hours are allotted for each testing date.  A time limit of two hours is allowed for each regular exam and 40 minutes is allowed for each re-certification exam.  Any combination of regular and/or re-certification exams cannot exceed four hours.  For instance, two regular exams = four hours, or six re-certification exams = four hours, or a combination of one regular exam and three re-certification exams = four hours. 




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Apply for Certification.  Once all of the required exams, both ASE and EVT, for a specific level have been obtained, the technician will need to complete the "EVT Certification Level Application Form" ( which will be sent with the letter stating that a test has been passed).  Mail the completed application form, with copies of the required ASE or Canadian equivalency certificates, to the EVT Certification office.  ASE or EVT exams may be taken in any order; however, the technician must apply for each level  in sequence.  For example, Level I requirements would have to be completed before applying for certification at Level II, and so forth.  If an exam is not successfully completed, the technician must again register and pay the examination fees before retesting.



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ASE’s primary function is to test and certify automobile technicians and heavy­duty truck technicians. The ASE program consists of a series of written tests given quarterly. These tests measure diagnostic and repair knowledge, and skills in various technical areas. When a technician passes one or more tests, and has completed two years of related work experience, he/she receives documentation for those areas of certification.

ASE offers computer-based testing (CBT) format.


For further information regarding the ASE tests, visit the ASE website at  ase.com or contact:

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
101 Blue Seal Dr. Leesburg, VA 20175



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Canada has specific requirements for mechanics.  Canadian applicants may substitute the appropriate (truck or automotive Provincial Mechanics License in place of ASE certification to meet the requirements for level certification. 



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An letter will be sent to the technician with exam results within 4-6 weeks following the test date. If an exam is not passed, a report identifying areas of knowledge will be sent.  EVT reserves the right to affirm or disaffirm to its constituents and the public whether the technician does or does not hold EVT certification and in what specialty. EVT will not release test scores to any other party in a manner that the scores can be identified with a specific technician, unless a written request  is  received from that technician

Registration for an EVT exam signifies to the EVT Commission and others that the participant has an interest in elevating his knowledge of maintenance and repair of emergency response vehicles.  One aspect of EVT's mission is to encourage and assist in the development of maintenance training programs.  Accordingly, EVT will use these records to communicate with the technician, or to facilitate communications by others about education, training, state associations, and award programs judged to be of potential benefit to the technician.


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YES!  Vehicle technology and service techniques are changing rapidly. Technicians must keep up-to-date with modern repair practices and standards.  This program provides an incentive for emergency vehicle technicians to keep their knowledge and skills current and assures credible proof of one’s ability.  Re-certification is an integral part of the Emergency Vehicle Technician Certification Program. The EVT Certification Commission will require the applicant to pass the current EVT re-certification examination every five (5) years.

If the technician is Level Certified, he must reapply for Level Certification. Current copies of ASE certification or the appropriate Canadian Provincial Mechanics License must be included with the application for level certification form.
